Pangi Festivals and Fairs

Pangi Festivals and Fairs

Pangi people celebrates lot of festivals and fairs every year, out of them  Puliyatar, Zukaru, Dhekan, Unouni, Mindhalyath, Parwath are major ones. Beside these, people also celebrate several other small festivals like Ouyan, Lishu, Neghuoii, Sharjaat, Cheijigi etc.

Zukaroo - Festival of Strenthening Relations

Many festivals are celebrated in Pangi valley, in which Phuliyath, Dekhen, Unouni, Mindhalyath, Parwath and Zukaroo are very important. But among these Zukaroo festival is celebrated with much pomp and enthusiasm. This festival begins after the new moon followed by Chejgi festival and will finish in the following full moon day.

The new moon which follows Chejgi festival is called 'silh'. On that day the 'evening supper' is very important. In every house, people make tasty and delicious dishes and keeps share for their married daughter's family. In the morning worship of that day they remember all their ancestors and offer gifts to neighbours in their names, in which ultra-thin rotis, Ghee and ChiN are included. 

Before the supper on Silh day people worship king Bali. According to elderly people many many years ago King Bali used to rule in Pangi and Lahoul aread, in which time there was no lack of food, animals, milk, Ghee etc... Thats why on that particular night in every house people draw king Bali in the corner of the Kothi and place Ghee, Ultra-thin Roti, wool, grounded wheat dish, and water vessel with flowers.

People from Lahoul also worship King Bali on that night. Zukaroo festival which they name it as 'Phagudi' works as an instrument to enhance brotherhood among people. On that day people go to the houses of their elders and greets them early in the morning. Even if they have fought with each other in that year, during this occasion they forget all the enemity and embrace each other.

After Zukaroo, Punehi festival starts. On that day every man from each house go to their fields. They take seeds, goat and cows and plow made of flour to the particular place. By plowing with those cows and plow and throwing seeds on the filled they fulfil the requirment of the plowing scriptures. From that day onwards people can begin to do their agricultural works. Some people celebrate this on the third day and some celebrate on fifth day. .... Sorry!

...translation to be continued.


Phuliyath Initiation


Kariyas Praja coming to the Phuliyathud at Kuffa.


Tie Dekhen Mela at Hundan Bhatori.


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